My Gran loved butterflies! Butterflies are known for their transformative properties. They spend part of their life as a small caterpillar then transform into a flitting, beautiful butterfly. My gran also had transformative properties, she could take simple food and turn it into the best peanut butter fudge or biscuits and gravy you've ever tasted, she could take cloth and turn it into gorgeous, fitted doll clothes or dresses. She made my mom's wedding dress with imported lace and that dress was as beautiful and fit as well as any dress one might find in Vera Wang. She may not have created a cure for cancer or travelled to space and walked on the moon, but she loved her family and everyone knew that. I have heard many people say that in life you should find what you are good at and stick to it and that is exactly what Gran did: she knew she was good at sewing and cooking so she took those talents and used them to bless her family. Gran- I will miss you and your selfless focus and giving of yourself during the time we spent together! I know though that you are in heaven now and that the butterflies there are more beautiful than any on this earth.