I took a little hiatus from DIY Wednesday last week, but this week I am BACK and today's post is on a deliciously easy way to make your own lip exfoliator. We are coming up on the tail end of Winter here in the mountains of North Carolina and my lips are definitely showing the signs of a long, cold, windy Winter! I'm a burt's bees addict, my favorite kind is the pomegranate kind because it nourishes my lips and gives them a little pop of color as well, but the winter has been really harsh on my lips and they needed something more than just chapstick to keep them soft and kissable so....I decided to make this very simple lip exfoliator. I found the original recipe on one of my favorite clothing websites in the world
You Will Need
Olive Oil
Brown Sugar
Little mixing bowls (I got my tiny multi-colored ones from Ikea)
Mixing Spoon
Mason jar or other small container to put the finished product in.
Step 1: Measure out equal parts of brown sugar, honey, and olive oil and put them in little mixing bowls.
Step 2: Take mason jars, pour contents in bowls into mason jar and mix well.
Step 3: Using your fingers or q-tip spread lip exfoliator mixture on your lips, rub together lips to really mix in mixture on your lips and get the full effect (it will feel a bit nitty gritty) and then wash off the mixture or lick it off (it is in fact made out of all edible products :)