Wow! What a whirlwind of a year 2013 was! My husband and I moved into a new house, out of that house, I went back and forth to Duke Medical Center as my mom received treatment for breast cancer, lead worship beside my precious hubby at the yearly Pursuit 31 Conference, welcomed two more beautiful nieces into this world, got in a car accident where my car flipped 3 times and managed to walk away from it with mere scratches and between all of that I shot 50+ portrait sessions and first/second shot 16 weddings!
For me 2013 was a year of personal growth and stretching me to do more than I ever would've thought I was capable of doing. I had my moments of self doubt (as we all do), but at the end of 2013 I was able to look back over everything that went on in my personal and professional life and feel a sense of happiness that I lived to see another year on this beautiful earth and grow as a person who knows how to love and live life to the fullest. Thank you to everyone who stood behind me and supported me, I still am in awe every day that I am chasing after what I always dreamed of doing.
In 2014 there will be some big changes in my business! Stephen and I are moving soon and with that move there will be price raises and some new studio policies. All of these new changes will be done with the utmost care and thoughtfulness to ensure that I can keep serving all of you to the best of my ability, while making a living doing what I love.
Here is to 2013 and all the amazing ups and downs it held and cheers to all 2014 will hold!
with love,