This morning as I sit on my couch doing my normal morning routine: eating breakfast, checking my email, trying to respond to everyone who expressed concern about me on my Facebook, it all seems so surreal that yesterday around 1:45pm I was in a life changing accident. As the accident was happening I didn't see any white lights (my mom asked me) or anyone else in the car with me, the last thought I remember having was "oh so this is what being in an accident feels like." At first yesterday I didn't think that I ever lost consciousness, but I now know that I did. The state trooper who investigated my car crash scene came to see me in the hospital and asked me how many times I thought my car rolled, I said," 2 or 3." He looked at me very seriously and said,"it rolled three times and the last time it rolled head over end and when that happens people's necks snap." My neck didn't snap and remarkably I walked away from the hospital with only a slightly swollen forehead from where my head hit the steering wheel, a carpet type burn on my neck from the seatbelt, and soreness all over my body. I don't remember the last roll and I think that that was God sparing me the memory of something so terrifying as that. The next thing I remember was coming to in my car and feeling like what you see in those war movies, where soldiers are fighting in battle and it's almost as if everything is happening in slow motion and their ears are ringing. As soon as I came to the first thought I had was," well I guess God isn't done with me here on earth yet."
I am nothing special or out of the ordinary. I know that many wonderful people have been in terrible car wrecks similar to mine and that they didn't walk away from the car wreck ok like I did. I'm not sure why God spared me yesterday or what plans He still wants me to carry out, all I know is I was in a situation out of my control where all the cards pointed to me not walking away unharmed, but my heavenly Father stepped in and intervened on my behalf. Right before my car crash happened I was singing worship songs and hymns in my car because I had a photo session yesterday and didn't get to go to church, so I figured I could have church on my own just by praising God where I was at. I know without a doubt that God's presence was in my car yesterday and He guided me to safety.
God is our safety net, our Strong Tower, our Helper, our Deliverer, our Father, our Fortress, our Guiding hand and so so so much more. Life is not meant to be taken for granted, every day we have on earth with our family and friends is a blessing and a gift because in the blink of an eye it can all be gone.
Psalm 107:28-31 Lord help! they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as He brought them safely into harbor! Let them praise the Lord for his great love and for the wonderful things He has done for them.
I sit here with the most thankful heart. God guided me safely into the Harbor and His praise will forever be on my lips.