Typically Mondays are reserved for music or book reviews on my blog, but today I felt like writing about something a little bit different and since it's my blog I can kind of do what I want :)
When I had my accident in November it was terrifying and life-changing all at the same time! It sounds so cliche, but when something like that happens to you, your world view instantly changes. All of the sudden I saw life through a clear lens and lined up in front of me were the things that I truly treasured more than anything in the world. I can tell you right now that among those things there weren't any worldly goods....there were only people, precious irreplaceable human beings.
I am convinced that what I don't need is more Facebook, more notoriety, more instagram, more money....NO, no, what I need more of is princess song dance parties with my niece, running outside soaking up the last bit of sunshine, zumba dancing with my sister in law and looking like a fool while doing so, laughing over inside jokes (that noone else would find funny) with my husband for the thousandth time, sitting around the dinner table surrounded by my family and good food. Really at the end of the day we don't need more of what the world tells us we need to be fancy and important. All we really need is the ability to find the joy in the small, inconsequential moments that God has placed in our paths! I think that if we focused more on those moments, we would come to find that really those moments are the biggest, grandest moments of all. Those moments aren't to be discarded and thrown away likes pennies, they should be caught up and treasured like the precious gems they are.
I guess what I am trying to say is, the treasure of life isn't found in possessions, the treasure of life is found in moments spent with people and in the presence of God. Plain and simple.
Matthew 6:19-21,"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will be also."
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