Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Thankful for The Nothings by Asheville, NC Portrait Photographer
Sometimes when I am feeling sorry for myself or just having a rough day I like to think about all of the things I have to be truly thankful for. Last night was a night that I chose to do that. I was sitting with Stephen and our dog Will on the couch, watching t.v., which isn't anything special or extraordinary, but it is something we enjoy doing because it is relaxing and helps us unwind at the end of the day. I was cuddled up in as small of a space as I could be because we have a tiny couch from ikea that we bought when we first got married and couldn't afford anything bigger. We were just talking and laughing together and I realized how truly blessed I am to have a husband that I can talk to about everything and about nothing! Even when we are talking about the "nothings," we are still totally enjoying the company of each other, in that moment I was so blissfully happy and thankful to have a happy marriage where I can be myself! I think sometimes all it takes to have a grateful heart is to look for the little "nothings," in our everyday life because oftentimes when I do that I find that the nothings are the special somethings that make my life truly blessed. Today here are the nothings I am choosing to be thankful for: time spent cuddling on the couch with my husband, the laughter, good food and conversation that is shared around the dinner table at my parent's house, my nephew Beckett who is always excited to see me even when I may have seen him the day before (or at times just a few hours before), the way my niece Ella lights up when she hears her dad, my brother Shane, singing, my grandparent's who remember to give us a card on every holiday and who always are willing to share what they have with those around them whether it be canned goods, wisdom, or just a warm meal, most of all I am thankful that God has blessed my life so tremendously, I fully realize that every good and perfect thing comes from Him and for that I am eternally grateful.