Monday, October 1, 2012
Pursuit 31 Conference October 2012 by Asheville, NC Portrait Photographer
I am so excited about what this week has in store! As I start blogging more consistently I am hoping to share bits and pieces of mine and Stephen's life and the things we enjoy doing. This week we will be in Rome, Georgia at The Winshape Retreat Center leading worship at the FIRST ever Pursuit 31 Photography Conference! I was invited to join a facebook group in April of 2011 for Christian, women photographers and little did I know the amazing journey that joining P31 would take me on! Not only have I learned so much from the amazingly talented women that are in the group and grown as a photographer, wife, friend, etc..., but I have also created friendships that will last a lifetime. The heart of P31 is to take whatever knowledge about life that you may possess and to share it with those around you, so that you can all grow together and be stronger in your walk with Christ. I feel so privileged that Stephen and I get to lead these beautiful Pursuit 31 ladies into worship and I can't wait to see all the amazing things that are going to take place during this time!